Dive Deep Exercise #3 - Personal Symbols

Gather together a page of symbols that have personal meaning to you. They can be based on your heritage, where you live, symbols that just keep reappearing in your art or symbols you are strongly drawn to. Try googling "symbols" to see what attracts your attention.

I made 20 boxes on a piece of paper and lined them up in a grid, measuring them out like I did in Exercise #1. I like symbols and have been collecting them for years, so I knew there would be a lot.

I photographed the squares and printed out several copies of the blank template.

I then started drawing symbols into their individual squares or I printed them out from online or magazines and cut and paste them into the squares. Every time I see a symbol that resonates with me I add it to a square. If I feel stuck on a painting, I will pull out my pages of symbols and see if anything calls to me.

What symbols call to you?